Winter Fishing

When the weather turns COLD and you still want to put some fresh fish in the frying pan, you need to change things up a little bit. Here are a few of our favorite fishing spots during the winter months
Lake Bastrop
Lake Bastrop is one of the premiere fishing lakes in the Texas Hill Country. It’s a small power plant cooling lake, so the water is un-naturally warm. The also have heavily stocked this lake with Florida Large Mouth Bass. All of this leads to great fishing in the Winter and early Spring. Once the water heats up too much, the vegetation grows thick, and it makes fishing the lake tough.
You can easily fish this lake with a very small boat, or even a Kayak or Canoe. The bank fishing is a little tough because of all the weeds next to shore. We launched at the South end of the Lake, headed North past the dam, and proceeded to hall in bass bumping white 1/4 jigs off the bottom in about 10′ of water. The weather wasn’t great, but we can’t wait to hit this lake again. Texas Hill Country Fishing at it’s best. You need to read the regulations for the slot limit for bass on this lake. You can catch a lot of small black bass here, and it’s prime time is during the winter.
Rainbow Trout Fishing
There are all sorts of places the state of Texas stocks rainbow trout during the winter, even a few ponds in the City of Austin. The Guadalupe River is the premiere destination in the Hill Country for fly fishing and trout with guided river trips running about $500 with tip.
Juglines for Catfish
One of our new hobbies has been setting a few jug lines for catfish in the narrows of Lake Travis. It’s a great excuse to take the boat out twice on nice days during the winter. We found a few honey holes to land a few cats, and have also landed a few black bass along the way.