June Events in the Texas Hill Country

Star Parties
The Austin Astronomical Society has star watching parties all over the Texas Hill Country. Check their website for times and locations.
Hamilton is Here!
The Broadway sensation is playing in Austin and San Antonio during the first two weeks of June. Ticket’s aren’t cheap, but they are going for around face value.
Kerrville folk festival
One of the Big Music fests in the Texas Hill Country. For an incredible 18 days on a farm just south of Kerrville, music, camping, and fun all come together.
There is almost always a good rodeo going on somewhere in the Texas Hill Country. This month Utopia and Stonewall. Stonwall ‘s rodeo is complimented by the Peach JAMboree! There is not a plethora of events in the Hill Country during June, so why not put a few fun attractions on the to-do list.