Hill Country Fireworks

The Texas Hill Country Surf Staff is taking a boating expedition to Lake LBJ for the 4th of July weekend. Horseshoe bay resort is our favorite destination to watch fireworks and celebrate the Freedom granted to us in 1776. We normally try to avoid the lake on big holiday weekends, but the fireworks show from boat on the lake is too great to pass up. The plan is for boat captains to have the old fishing boat and the boat launch ramp no later than 4:00. That means leaving Austin no later than 2:30. The passengers are scheduled to arrive at the doc around 5:30. That will give us a few hours of tubing and swimming before heading to the resort to find a spot for the show.
We have been to the fireworks show in Horseshoe Bay a few times, and it has always been a nice show. Lake Travis has its big fireworks show on July 3, not really sure why, but for that reason we have never been. The hotels on the resort, or one of the many condos for rent, is a great way to experience Fourth of July in the Texas Hill Country if you don’t have a boat. They also have a marina and doc on the resort for those that want both the full service resort and some time on the lake.
Other Activates at Horseshoe Bay. If you say at the hotel or resort you gain access to
- World Class Golf courses
- One of the coolest put- put courses you will ever see
- A very nice set of tennis courts
- Pool and dining on the shores of the lake, there is even a beach
- Docs and boating services for rent
- Hot tub, pool, good food at the hotel
- Fine dining
- Really cool exotic tropical birds.